Women multitask 10 hours
more per week than men.*
Sounds about right. But while women are generally better at multitasking than men, it certainly isn’t something to embrace. Multitasking can lead to lower vitality and more stress, and it can actually decrease your ability to focus.*
How, you ask, will anything get done if you don’t multitask? Experts say to practice mindfulness – being more focused and aware of what’s going on in the present moment.** Mindfulness can help reduce “brain fog,” so you’ll actually perform better at work. Get more done at home. And stress less overall.
Try these simple mindfulness exercises:
- When feeling anxious, stop and focus on your breathing.
- Look for and appreciate the small joys around you.
- Actively listen to what others are saying.
- Use your commute to mindfully unwind.
Practicing mindfulness can decrease depression, increase memory, and even help improve business and personal relationships.***
The benefits of mindfulness
It can be a powerful tool in helping you stay healthier overall.
*Cleveland Clinic. “Why Multitasking Doesn’t Work.” March 10, 2021.
** Forbes. “Employee productivity: Mindfulness Could Increase Focus and Enable Better Collaboration.” April 22, 2021. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/04/22/employee-productivity-mindfulness-could-increase-focus-and-enable-better-collaboration/?sh=28af8532bae9
***Cherry, K. “The Benefits of Mindfulness.” Verywelllmind.com. Page last updated September 2, 2022. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-benefits-of-mindfulness-5205137